Hello my dear ones,
This week we watched a missionary transmission worldwide, but we watched it in Spanish. . . ya and we were eating lunch at like the same time, but even with such distraction and difficulty I was impressed by our Inspired Leaders and the Spirit that testified of the truths they spoke. Here are a few things that stuck out to me in my roughly spanish to portuguese to english translation:
Teach Repentance and baptize converts. . . okay that was the name it, but let me add some more. . .
Teach people not lessons, and teach by the spirit
Helping investigators keep commitments and commandments
working with members, less actives and recent converts.
and the last Hymn "HARK ALL YE NATIONS" it was super cool, because that morning we had a zone meeting and we sang this hymn as a zone before kneeling to pray at the end of our meeting. I felt the spirit so strongly and felt the grandure of this great work. Some thing I found in my personal study that I was able to share with the missionaries in our meeting was a revelation from the Prophet Joseph in the Section 75 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Towards the end of the chapter God counsels his servants to be unified in the work including Simeon Carter and His companion. This revelation was given in the year of 1832 in which my great grandfather was baptized at 21 years of age by Simeon Carter. If it wasn't for these dedicated missionaries I might not have enjoyed all the blessings I now enjoy as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
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